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A.P.I AL FADHLUA.P.I AL FADHLU.Pondok Pesantren Asrama Pendidikan Islam Al Fadhlu adalah Pondok Pesantren yang masih menerapkan metode pendidikan ala salaf namun berpijak dan berprinsip pada "AL MUHAFAZHOTU 'ALAL QADIMISH SHALIH WAL AKHDZU BIL JADIDIL ASHLAH"(Dapat menerima budaya baru yang baik dan melestarikan budaya lama yang masih relevan) sebagai mottonya ......

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Belajar islam dan sufisme

The Greatest Prophet Muhammad saw

"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." [ Qur'an 48:29] IN the annals of men, individuals have not been lacking who conspi...

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Hadith (teachings of the Prophet P.B.U.H) Introduction to Hadith Hadith is a body of literature that comprises the sayings, teachings, ...

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The Beginning of The Revelation

In the Cave of Hira: When Prophet Muhammad (P) was nearly forty, he had been wont to pass long hours in retirement meditating and speculati...

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The Amazing Qur'an

Calling the Qur´an amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the book and who are pleased with it; it h...

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